ESC accreditation

"Sustainability" training weekend - first day

On the 11th of December we went for a training weekend with the volunteers. It was a weekend about sustainability, so we had the opportunity (thanks to Ljuba) to learn more about this important topic, and to start thinking about our mini-project related to that topic.

And so, the journey began ! And it began big because we all jump into this funny mini-bus and it felt like a school trip. We were singing, laughing and telling stories...
Then we picked up Margot, our new volunteer from France, on the way, and we all met her in the bus.

We stopped for coffee break where I took a flat white with white chocolate syrup (I'm telling you this because I'm sure you were curious about it.) And we finally arrived to our magical house for 3 days!! The scenery was spectacular, a very thin carpet of snow on the ground, a fresh smell of nature and a cozy house. And I could even guess a christmas tree threw the windows.

It obviously started by everyone running to choose the best room possible (yes, we are children). We gathered up and started the weekend by some warm up games outside. It was really nice and funny ! We had the chance to see Beata running in circle like a pony and singing (on this night, we all dreamt of poneys, nobody admitted, but I'm sure!).
We had to carry each other for another game, and also felt the power by controlling someone with our hand...

On the afternoon, Kirsika held a christmas cards workshop which was amazing! It was with marble paint, paper, water, and a glimpse of magic.... you can discover the result on the pictures.

Needless to say that everyone was extremely concentratred and eager to learn and practice.
I think we had a little free time after that, because yes, it can be tiring to be an artist!

Then we played this game called : the Hastags challenge! We had to make teams and every team has to take a picture to match with every hashtags, so I let you imagine how creative we had been when the hashtags was #donttellmum.

After that we enjoyed the projection of our lovely hashtag-photos and it made us laught, a lot!

After a little break we all gathered up on the living room for a very inspiring activity about learning to know each other. Everyone sat on the floor, on pillows, in a relaxing spirit with only the christmas ligths to light up the room and a very chill music background.

We had 5 different activities with different partners and it was very interesting, challenging, inspiring, surprising... As I am concerned, I really enjoyed the music moment, I had to share my favorite song with Milena and to listen to hers. I definitely think we should do that all the time, with everyone ! Just took the time to listen to each other favorite music... 

After this powerfull moment we played cards game in the living room and went of to bed. 
The first day is over, what will happen tomorrow?