ESC accreditation


I'm Ana, 28 years old girl from Croatia.

I grew up in Split City (region Dalmatia) where I finished Maritime highschool. I lived and worked in Ireland and UK almost 5 years.

In 2020 in home town Split, I started initiative "Ispleti, pa reci" - free social meetings in public for ladies who do knitting and crochet while chatting... I worked with local "Harm Reduction" team (aids prevention day/ Syringe&Needle exchange project).

I will volunteer with VitaTiim organisation and I'm happy to be part of creative team and have chance to learn new skills and give back to community positive impact. : D

I love art, theater, exhibitions, burlesque performances, cycling, scuba diving, psy trance, latino music, sea food.

I never tried skiing in my life, but never say 'never' ... I'm sure I will try all winter sport activities and I'm excited about all new things I will learn in Narva.

Project number: 2020-2-EE01-ESC11-078077
Project title: „Solidarity for Sustainable Life“

2021-03-22 12:06 Solidarity for Sustainable Life