ESC accreditation

Fatima: first week

Hello again!

Hallo, mal wieder!

¡Hola de nuevo!

In this post I want to tell you a little bit about my first week here in Estonia.

Well, as everyone knows, right now COVID is around us…and so it was when I arrived in Estonia.

That is why my first week here I spent in quarantine.

And honestly, it was kind of weird. Let me explain it to you:

Imagine you are going to a new country with a different culture and language. You are leaving behind your home, your family and your friends. And this new surrounding is supposed to be your new home for one year. So naturally you are very curious! Curious to see, discover and try everything! The last thing you want to do is to have to live alone in an apartment, that you are not supposed to leave.

But this year the volunteers (including me) had to go through a first week in Estonia like this. But don’t get me wrong, I am not complaining. Actually, I think we are really lucky to have the opportunity to volunteer in another country during the pandemic. I just want to share with you how this week was alike.

Besides, I have to admit that I enjoyed the time I spent in the apartment. Having to spend time at home is not always that bad. There are many things you can do even when you are alone. So especially now, stay positive and make the best of the situation!

Wish you luck with that!


Project number: 2020-2-EE01-ESC11-078077
Project title: „Solidarity for Sustainable Life“

Solidarity for Sustainable Life