MArch - November 2021

Sinu Mõju

Saksamaa Liitvabariigi Suursaatkond Eestis
The main aim of the project is to support young people from Ida-Viru county in critical thinking development and encourage them to increase their influence on decision-making
Through the program of active citizenship "Sinu Mõju" we would like to encourage young people to make a change in the environment they live in and through the program "Media Literacy Camps" we want them to learn how to make this change with higher quality and with a critical attitude towards different solutions.

Expected results:

1. Young people increased their knowledge about politics and media;
2. Young people increased their media literacy and critical thinking skills;
3. Young people able to choose an appropriate source of information and media;
4. Young people became more aware of political and civic participation and became more active in it;
5. Activization of youth;
6. Participants learned more about Germany State, culture and got to know German experience in media.
Project supported
Julia Dem
project manager
Phone: + 375 559 217 87