01.09.2021 - 30.06.2022

YOUth IMpact: empowering stories from Baltic and Nordic youth

Nordic Council of Ministers' Grant Programme for Nordic-Baltic Non-
Governmental Organisations' (NGO) Cooperation 2021 Estonia
The aim of the 'YOUth IMpact: empowering stories from Baltic and Nordic youth' project is to collect stories from young people from Baltic and Nordic countries, those young people who have made positive changes in their communities.
We want
- collect at least 21 stories from youth 13-21 y.o (7 stories per country)
- Organise at least 6 events to share stories (exhibitions, live library, community evenings, etc.)
- Published special edition of the youth magazine with stories in collaboration with Narvamus
- Organise media campaign in order to share stories and inspire other youth

Within those actions, we expect that young people will be able to get to know stories and stories will have an impact on them. We want to see them more confident and able to speak their mind loudly. Also, young people and all readers/ participants of events will be able to learn more about Baltic and Nordic countries.


- Participants had to develop their key-competences such as competence in foreign and native languages, logic, intercultural competence, an initiative, social and civic competences. They are able to apply these competencies for future life and work.
- Participants become more active in social and civic life what has influence on civic society and on Baltic and Nordic countries in general.
- Participating organizations had to become more experienced, got new partners and supporters, increase the recognizability. Indirect positive impact on youth and society.

1. Gathering stories - through research, interview, and photo shooting.

2. Creating an issue of the young magazine Narvamus with stories

3. Creating web-page and social media accounts/hashtag with stories

4. Organising events for young people to share stories - school visits, exhibitions, live library
(possible to involve young people who shared stories, community evenings, lives, online activities,
etc. ), encouraging people to use a hashtag and share their own story

5. Collecting feedback, new stories from people who shared them, evaluation

6. Online partners meetings
Project supported
Julia Dem
project manager
Phone: + 375 559 217 87
E-mail: julia@vitatiim.ee