Save the memory! is an european youth exchange aimed at gathering young people that want to
make a change in their countries and their communities. By joining efforts and ideas from different
realities and addressing global environmental issues togehter to preserve and bring back the local culture and traditions, by bonding the older generations, learning the folk traditions, the handcraft, the ancient tales, and by creating plans to build a new vision and future for those stories and traditions, raising new possibilities for youth participation and employment.
During 10 days, young people from different worlds and realities will gather in Chaves, in the isolated hill region of the north of portugal to participate in sessions and activities in our community, connecting with each other and with our local population.
They will be sharing ideas, creating actions plans and making things happen in their towns. they will use and learn intervention tools to be changemakers in their communities. they will organize workshops, debate issues and prepare educational actions for a youth participation campaign to spread around in Europe.