AIM To present pupils of secondary and high school variety of professions with method of Living library and to give them opportunity to get to know better eduacational path to individual profesion.
DESCRIPTION The activity is held in local primary school's gym, where people ofindividual profession are there to present their occupation and talk with youngpeople to answer them on questions related to their education, career path andprofession. There is also a corner with volunteering opportunities in localorganisations and around the world. Presenters of professions have before the event short introduction andtraining about living library method to be more open to share theirexperiences. We try to present all kind of professions with different levels ofeducation and required skills. Young people come to the event on their own, withparents or in groups with teachers.
RESULTS Visitors of the event are excited about it and they say they got a lot useful informations that will help young people to make easier decision for them about further education and career path. They have also heard about the professions they never heard before and the needed to be more iniciative with questions that they are in school.
Activitiy "The Key"
AIM To raise employebility among young people, to motivate and activate NEET population with methods of youth work (non formal education, raising soft skills), specific trainings and problem solving of potential employers. Aim is to make a network of young people and employers in our region.
DESCRIPTION Young people (from 18 to 29 years old) are meeting regulary and building their social network. During different activities they build also network with employers and get to know at least 10 new employers and 30 new peers. They attend at least 5 trainings of soft skills and 5 trainings of specific skills that they choose freely. The trainings are led by proffesionals in different fields that answers the needs of young people like self awareness, time management, how to write a cv, discovering their talents, marketing, PR, programming, Microsoft Tools, foreing languages courses, preparing for the job interview, teambuildings. Participants solved at least one challenge for employer that and work with them at least a week for 40 hours. Participants can join any time and attend the activities they like.
RESULTS More than 130 young people (from 18 to 29 years old) and 40 companies included in the project, over 60 % of all included in the project were employed during the time of the project.
Activitiy "Club of job seekers"
AIM To raise employebility among young people, to raise their confidence, to build their social network, to get more soft and speciffic skills that will make them more employable .
DESCRIPTION Young people ( from 18 to 29 years old) are meeting weekly in youth centre for 2 hours. We make an open call before and then the group of 10 to 15 people is closed. First part of the meeting is dedicated to talk about their personal problems and updating about the vacancies and job interviews they had in previous week. Main part of the meeting is for planning the activities and discovering competences they would like to gain. They are organizing the trainings and courses on the topics they would like to learn. At the end the meeting we did the reflection and brief personal plan for the next week. One club lasts for 5 to 6 months.
RESULTS Participants say that they feel good in this groups because they are among the people with similar problems and situation. They are heard and understood and that means a lot to them. They gain also some nex skills and competences that they can use later in their life. Most important is that they get more confident and self esteem that help them also to get a job. More than 50 % of included young people get a job in period of time 6 months after the club finnishes.